The Cold Chain Federation (CCF) has published a new report demonstrating the critical importance of the cold chain to UK food supply, food safety and reducing food waste.
Published on ‘World Refrigeration Day,’ the report details how the industry is integral to the food chain, from farm to fork. It shows the contribution that cold chain businesses make to the UK as a major employer, as a leader in technological innovation, and in tackling food waste and climate change. The digest also looks at the industry’s progress on energy efficiency, and at the challenges and opportunities presented by Brexit.
“As the Cold Chain Federation takes the messages of our industry to Westminster and Whitehall, we are encouraging our members to use this new report to start a dialogue with their MPs and Local Enterprise Partnerships about why the cold chain matters to their local communities as well as to the nation as a whole.”
CCF chief executive Shane Brennan said: “We work alongside our members day in and day out to make our industry’s voice heard, loud and clear at both national and regional levels. This new report is designed to help everyone gain a fuller appreciation of what the cold chain does and why it matters so much. Knowledge is crucial to ensuring politicians and policy makers give our industry’s concerns and ideas the weight they deserve.
“As the Cold Chain Federation takes the messages of our industry to Westminster and Whitehall, we are encouraging our members to use this new report to start a dialogue with their MPs and Local Enterprise Partnerships about why the cold chain matters to their local communities as well as to the nation as a whole.
“The theme of today’s World Refrigeration Day is the cold chain, so it is fitting that our new report showcases the value of our industry on this day of international interest.”