Kraft Heinz is proposing to make its biggest investment in an existing manufacturing site outside the US in over two decades, potentially creating up to 50 new full-time jobs.
Kitt Green, near Wigan, is Europe’s largest food manufacturing facility, according to the company and produces 1.3 billion cans of food per year – 94% of which is consumed in the UK. Subject to final US approvals from Kraft Heinz later this year, the £140 million investment would aim to further modernise the site’s manufacturing capabilities over the next four years.
This would focus on three key pillars: bringing Heinz sauce manufacturing – for products such as Heinz Tomato Ketchup, Mayonnaise and Salad Cream – back to the UK to build additional European capacity, further upgrading machinery and driving the plant to deliver its ESG commitments.
With the updated equipment and machinery, the company aims to minimise the site’s use of non-renewable sources, producing items that are fully recyclable and ultimately helping to considerably reduce the site’s CO2 footprint. To enable employees to operate this machinery, Kitt Green will be upskilling staff while envisaging the creation of up to 50 new full-time jobs.
Luis Spinardi, site director at Kitt Green, said: “This is a very exciting time for Kitt Green and I am proud that the potential for the site to grow and modernise is being recognized. As a result of this proposed investment, we are now in the fortunate position where Kitt Green can become a much more modern facility and our teams will have the ability to adopt more contemporary ways of working whilst exemplifying the highest global standards for food manufacturing.
“Not only are we excited to be expanding our product mix by bringing sauces back to the UK, but also look forward to a more efficient facility with a sustainable future.”