Major change is on the cards for the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) as it announces its proposals for a new five-year strategy for 2021 -2026. 

The proposals will focus on significantly improving levy payers’ engagement on AHDB priorities for their sector and crop. This will also include how much levy is collected and where it is spent.

Also included is a commitment to a ballot every five years on the future of the levy, ensuring levy payers have a greater say in designing AHDB work programmes and priorities.

AHDB chair Nicholas Saphir said the strategy and change programme demonstrated AHDB was listening and looking to build on the ‘Five Commitments’ it made in the wake of the Government’s Request for Views published earlier this year.

Nicholas Saphir said: “We have listened very carefully to levy payers’ concerns about delivering value for money in such challenging times, and ensuring our work programmes are fit for purpose.  We fully recognise there are genuine differences between challenges facing sectors, crops and species and that one size of offering does not fit all.  Levies in the future must be set to reflect the value provided and work priorities clearly agreed with levy payers.

“I see the future as a period of real opportunity for British farming and growing. Our change programme and new strategic focus will provide the basis for AHDB to work together with levy payers in shaping our collective future and making the most of what lies ahead.”

“In addition, AHDB will review the current tools, services and products across all its sectors to see how they are being used by farmers and growers. We will keep listening to levy payers with open Board meetings, new levy payer user groups and developing interaction both in person and online.”

The changes also look at issues for three key areas for AHDB, which include marketing and exports, evidence and data and farm performance.

Utilising evidence and ensuring facts, insight and data underpin all the levy body’s work will be key in the new strategy, according to AHDB. This will range from ‘what works’ on-farm to where opportunities exist for British product at home and overseas.

Improving and measuring the way best practice is shared across the industry will be the focus of a new AHDB ‘Evidence For Farming’ initiative which will look to support agricultural innovation, with a specific focus on the impact on business profitability of applying environmental measures.

AHDB’s future marketing work will include marketing campaigns focusing on health, nutrition and the environment to ensure consumers continue to purchase and enjoy meat, dairy and potatoes, as part of a balanced diet. The first key campaign in this area launches from 4th January 2021.

In exports, AHDB will boost its activity opening up new export markets for British produce in countries such as Japan, China, the US and the Middle East. Work will also continue in building opportunities in existing markets in the wake of exiting the EU and new international trade deals.

Nicholas Saphir added: “I see the future as a period of real opportunity for British farming and growing. Our change programme and new strategic focus will provide the basis for AHDB to work together with levy payers in shaping our collective future and making the most of what lies ahead.”

The full AHDB strategy and proposed sector plans are published for consultation and can be found online at The closing date for feedback is 31st January 2021.