Members of the UK food industry were recognised in King Charles’ 2024 New Years Honours List, some for their services to sustainable food production.

Founder of independent retailer Better Food, Phillip Haughton was awarded an MBE for his services to sustainable food initiatives. The retailer stocks organic, local brands across a range of produce from chilled to fresh products.

Joint managing director of flour and grains manufacturer Heygate Ltd, Paul Heygate, was also recognised with an OBE for his work within the food industry and charitable organisations.

Animal welfare officials were amongst those within the UK meat industry to be recognised as part of King Charles’ 2024 New Years Honours List. Dr Collin Willson, Animal Welfare Veterinary Lead at the Food Standards Agency was awarded an OBE for his services to public health and the meat industry.

A number of officials at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs were honoured as part of this year’s list. Deputy Director, International Biodiversity and Wildlife, Dr William Lockhart and Head of Exotic Disease Policy, Gordon Hickman, were awarded OBEs for services to the environment and animal health, respectively.