There is now limited availability for the UK Sausage Week 2018 lunch taking place on 29th October, so organisers are reminding industry members to ensure they do not miss out.

There is still time to order tickets, but availability is limited – so it is recommended that those interested in attending book theirs as soon as possible.

The lunch will take place at London’s Plaisterers’ Hall on 29th October and will act as the opening event of UK Sausage Week 2018 where the category winners of the campaign’s competition will be announced as well as the Supreme Sausage Champion.

The UK Sausage Week ambassador for 2018 is to be the celebrity chef, author, broadcaster and cookery school businesswoman Sophie Grigson. She will host the lunch and present the winners with their prizes.

UK Sausage Week organiser Emma Cash said: “The celebration lunch kick-starts UK Sausage Week each year and is the moment when the winners of the campaign’s competition will be revealed.

“We’re delighted to be returning to the stunning surroundings of Plaisterers’ Hall in London for 2018 and are confident that the event will be a fun, ‘sausagetastic’ occasion for the whole meat industry.

“If you haven’t booked your tickets then I would advise doing so without delay – and don’t forget there is still time to enter sausages into the product competition before the deadline of 10th September.”

Tickets and tables can be booked online at

Competition product entry

Sausages can be entered into the competition online ahead of the 10th September deadline.

There are two categories to enter: Traditional and Innovative. Entry is free and each company may nominate a maximum of two types of traditional sausage and two types of innovative sausage.

All meat sausages are eligible for entry – from pork and beef through to chicken and game.

For category information and to nominate products for free online, visit

Sausage recipes required

Organiser Meat Management is also collating a selection of sausage recipes to run in the campaign’s media. A selection of high quality recipes have been sent in already, and there is still a chance for ingredients companies, butchers and manufacturers to submit theirs today.

The favourites will be available to download at as well as in Meat Management magazine – and will be credited to the supplier.

Recipes can be emailed to or uploaded here.

Any queries regarding the celebration lunch should be directed to Emma Cash on 01908 613323 or

Some partnership packages are still available. Those interested in supporting the campaign should contact Michelle Ingerfield on or 01908 613323.