Pete Headridge will become the new chief executive of the Campden BRI Group following Chris Huscroft’s retirement on the 1st January 2021.
Huscroft joined Campden BRI in October 2018 as director of technology, before becoming director of the Centre of Technical Excellence and then COO, prior to becoming chief executive in January this year.
Tim Holmes, chairman of the Campden BRI Group, said: “Campden BRI has faced unprecedented challenges in 2020 and Chris has guided the organisation through this difficult period very effectively.
“The effort that Chris has put into Campden BRI over the past year to adapt the organisation to a very different world has been immense and is something that the Board and I are very thankful for. In the latter half of the past year, Chris has worked closely with Pete and the senior team to set Campden BRI on a new course for the future.”
“This is an exciting time for Campden BRI. A new senior team has been brought together during 2020, with a number of key internal and external appointments. I look forward to working with them to deliver our exciting three-year growth strategy.”
Headridge will take over as chief executive following a year as COO, having previously served as senior technical and quality roles at the Kellogg Company.
Headridge said: “This is an exciting time for Campden BRI. A new senior team has been brought together during 2020, with a number of key internal and external appointments. I look forward to working with them to deliver our exciting three-year growth strategy.”
Most recently, Emeritus professor Tim Foster joined the team as scientific affairs director, with responsibility for developing the new scientific strategy for the business and putting Campden BRI back at the technical heart of industry, academic and governmental groups.
Sarah Armstrong was recently appointed HR director, as the company undertakes significant organisational development as part of the implementation of its new Three-year Strategic Plan. The external client focus will be headed by Barbara Lunnon, associate director marketing, as the new sales and marketing team takes shape.
In the Operating Units of Analytical Services, consulting-science and consulting-technology, the associate directors of Nick Byrd, Julia Jackson and Emma Hanby are organising their teams to deliver for all our members and clients.
Chris Ikpeme joins as finance director, plus head of governance, risk and compliance, Patricia Murray. The senior team is completed by Annalie Brown, Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive.
Holmes added: “The Board and I would like to thank Chris for his commitment and excellent stewardship of the business throughout a difficult year and wish him well for his well-deserved retirement. We look forward to working with Pete and the senior team as Campden BRI moves into the next exciting phase of its evolution.”