Farmers, growers and processors have until the end of January to formally comment on the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board’s (AHDB) new five-year strategy 2021 – 2026.

AHDB published its strategy for consultation in December, outlining commitments to improve the way it engaged with farmers and growers, more levy payer involvement in the setting of work programmes and levy rates, delivering value for money, changes to the levy system in horticulture and potatoes and a five-year ballot on the future of the AHDB levy.

The trade body’s five-year strategy focuses work in three areas – evidence and data, farm performance and marketing and exports. Its focus is on ensuring levy payers are equipped to manage challenges posed by changes in farm policy, the impact of leaving the EU, Net Zero ambitions and shifting consumer trends. 

AHDB chair, Nicholas Saphir, said: “The deadline for feeding back on the strategy is fast approaching and we are keen to hear the views of as many levy payers as possible.

“This is a real opportunity to help shape the future work programmes and priorities for your sector. Therefore, we are encouraging farmers, growers and the supply chain to respond to the consultation before Sunday’s deadline.”

The full AHDB strategy and proposed sector plans are published for consultation and can be found online at The deadline for feedback is 31st January 2021.

Photograph: AHDB chair, Nicholas Saphir.