Plant operators are faced with numerous demands: time and cost pressure, high plant utilisation, ever increased efficiency, market requirements and individual customer wishes – all of these have an impact on their daily work. In this situation, they depend on the trouble-free and reliable operation of their units. A competent lubrication partner does not only supply the certified lubes and greases but can provide valuable support.

Development of food-grade lubricants

With more than 650 high-performance lubricants the ADDINOL range offers a solution for almost every lubrication challenge. In order to achieve 100 % performance, the lubricant used must be geared to the operating conditions at hand. For the ADDINOL Research & Development department, there are the same requirements on food-grade lubricants as on lubricants for other purposes: protection against rust and corrosion, reduction of friction and wear, removal of high temperatures, reliable air and water separation, long component and oil lifetimes as well as efficient and trouble-free operation. Plants in the food and beverage industry often run twenty-four hours, seven days a week and are exposed to high loads. Added to this, are difficult ambient conditions such as high temperatures, the effects of moisture and water or, for example, flour dust, sugar or fruit acids. This is where full performance is required. Standard solutions often prove themselves insufficient here.

In order to master the balancing act between maximum safety of the consumer and optimum lubrication of the machines, food-grade lubricants represent a separate research unit at ADDINOL Lube Oil GmbH. “The development of a product line for the food and beverage industry is a special challenge for lubricant manufacturers,” explains Christian Retschke, Head of the Research and Development Department at ADDINOL. “To start with, lubricants have to meet complex technical demands and ensure a smooth functioning at long lifetimes for both lubricant and plant. For lubricants used in the production of food and beverages, this performance has to be achieved with a limited selection of base components only, which are harmless in terms of food legislation and comply with national and international standards.

ADDINOL FoodProof Range, certified and proven in practice

The ADDINOL FoodProof range offers the complete package for plant operators with gear oils, hydraulic fluids, compressor and heat transfer oils as well as chain lubricants and greases. The ADDINOL FoodProof range is up to the complex requirements in food and beverage industries and certified according to NSF H1, Kosher and Halal.

In the production of food and its packaging, contact between food and lubricant can occur at some lubrication points. In order to exclude possible contamination and also product mix-ups, the trend is clearly moving towards using lubricants registered according to NSF H1 only at all lubrication points in food production, instead of differentiating between H1 for sensitive points and using H2 where there is not risk for contact.

The lubricating oils, greases and sprays of the FoodProof family are specially developed for the demanding operating conditions in food and beverage industries without compromise on the performance.

360° Service: Beyond product supply

The FoodProof product range of ADDINOL is accompanied by individual technical advice and comprehensive support. This includes the selection of the optimum lubricant for the application at hand, advice on converting the systems as well as process optimisation, cleaning and troubleshooting.

“Whether lubrication, protection, cooling, sealing or cleaning – only when used correctly, will lubricants develop their full potential,” explains Dr. Paul Jänicke, Head of Application Technology at ADDINOL. “Therefore, we place particular emphasis on the direct support of our customers and partners. Our experts possess comprehensive knowledge in the field of tribology and are familiar with the requirements and particulars of machines and production processes. Based on this expertise and the long years of experience, they recommend lubricants and accompany their application for maximum added value.”

Watch the FoodProof video here.

Contact: ADDINOL Lube Oil GmbH, Am Haupttor, 06237 Leuna, Germany


For more information about our food-grade lubricants, visit https://addinol.de/en/products/industrial-lubricants/food-and-beverage-industry/.