Several stalwarts of the UK agri-food industry have been recognised in this year’s Queen’s birthday honours list. They include,  Professor Ian Lamont Boyd, FRSE, Robin Gourlay, Catherine Mead, Andrew Kemp and Ron Randall.

Below is a brief profile of each of the recipients …

Professor Ian Lamont Boyd, FRSE (pictured)

Professor Ian Lamont Boyd, FRSE. is chief scientific adviser, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. He receives a Knights Bachelor Award for services to Science and Economics on Food and the Environment. (London)

He is currently Professor in Biology at the University of St Andrews. Career highlights include:

  • Physiological Ecologist with the Natural Environment Research Council Institute of Terrestrial Ecology
  • Science Programme Director with the British Antarctic Survey
  • Director at the Natural Environment Research Council’s Sea Mammal Research Unit
  • Chief Scientist to the Behavioural Response Study for the US Navy
  • Director for the Scottish Oceans Institute
  • Acting Director and Chairman with the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland

He has received the Scientific Medal of the Zoological Society of London, and the Bruce Medal (awarded once every 4 years) for his research in polar science. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Society of Biology. In 2017 Ian was awarded the prestigious Polar Medal.

Ron Randall CBE

Ron Randall, CBE.

Ron Randall, chairman of Randall Parker Food Group becomes a CBE. He started work at 15 as a junior in a butcher’s shop. He opened his own shop at 21 and today Randall Parker Food Group is a wholesale meat distributor and trader supplying processing plants, caterers and European supermarkets and also includes Weddel Swift Trading and Distribution.

Commenting on receiving his honour he told Food Management Today: “It was somewhat of a surprise and very gratifying to know that somebody has looked at your life’s work,  57 years in the meat trade and has decided that it was worth recognition.

“I feel highly honoured and thank all the people who have been very loyal over the years and allowed my time in the meat industry to be deserving of this wonderful award.

“My love and commitment to the meat trade although somewhat challenging at times, has never waned.”

Robin Gourlay, OBE

Robin Goulray receives an OBE for services to the Scottish food and drink Industry. He is an adviser to the Scottish Government and has led on public food and drink policy producing a range of guidance and direction. He is also an associate at Scotland Food and Drink.

Catherine Mead OBE

Catherine Mead, owner of Lynher Dairies receives an OBE for services to cheese making and the community in the south west of England.

Andrew Kemp MBE

Andrew Kemp, group sales and marketing director of Bidfood is made an MBE for services to the hospitality industry.