Food industry professionals are invited to sign up for a three-day course about how digitalisation could help to modernise their processes.

Developed by Campden BRI Hungary, EIT Digital, the National Research Council of Italy and ELTE Faculty of Informatics, the course will give an overview of how digitalisation can be applied to the food processing sector.

Attendees will also be given hands-on experience with digital techniques such as data collection and analysis, as well as a detailed breakdown of Internet of Things (IoD), artificial intelligence (AI), digital twinning, additive manufacturing and robotics.

“Despite the food and drink sector being the largest manufacturing industry in the EU, it is far behind other industries when it comes to digital transformation,” said Dr András Sebők, general manager at Campden BRI Hungary and chair of R&D Expert Group at FoodDrinkEurope.

He continued: “This is a big, unexploited opportunity because many of the available solutions in other industries can be adapted to solve food problems relatively easy, potentially reducing food waste and maximising profitability.

“To maintain its position as a global powerhouse, the sector must reposition itself for an Industry 4.0 world. This requires digitally-minded leadership.”

Digitalisation and Industry 4.0 in Food Processing will be held on 1st to 3rd June 2021 and places can be registered at the EIT Digital Professional School.