Royal DSM, a global science-based company has launched new Delvo®Cheese CP-500 cultures for boosting the yield and resource efficiency of mozzarella cheese production.
Capable of achieving a higher moisture content in mozzarella, according to Royal DSM, the range increases yield by up to 1.3%, compared to the most commonly used Direct Vat Set (DVS) culture.
The cheese industry has experienced a sharp rise in demand for mozzarella cheese in a range of product formats, including shreds, slices and cubes. The global pizza cheese market, for instance, is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.04% between 2020 and 2027[1], which will continue to fuel demand for mozzarella in the coming years.
“It can be a complex challenge for cheesemakers to meet rising consumer demand for high-quality mozzarella cheese products, while continuing to be economically and operationally efficient,” said Evandro Oliveira de Souza, business lead for cheese at DSM. “We’re committed to offering unique, stand-out products that not only look and taste good, but are also better for both consumers and customers. For that reason, DSM is delighted to introduce this new extension of our portfolio of culture solutions, which will help our customers set a new standard for yield in cheese production and deliver market-leading end products.”