The Food Management Industry Awards has seen a substantial increase in product entries this year up nearly 50% over 2019/20.
Awards organiser Sharon Yandell commented: “We are experiencing a great deal of growing interest in the Awards and to see the quality and range of nominated products is amazing. As usual, many of the major retailers and manufacturers are involved and I know the judging days are going to be fantastic.
“These Awards are truly unique in their character and reach right across the market, and it is very flattering that so many companies want to participate and increasingly so.”
“Needless to say we are delighted with the result and I know the judges are going to have a very interesting few days reviewing and assessing the entries.”
In addition to product judging, voting in other categories is also strong this year as FMT readers make it known who has provided them with great service, as well as recognising the outstanding businesses and people who make the market what it is today.
Editor of FMT Pamela Brook added: “To be honest it was difficult to gauge what the reaction would be this year with such challenging circumstances affecting the various markets that make up the wider food industry. Needless to say we are delighted with the result and I know the judges are going to have a very interesting few days reviewing and assessing the entries. A big thank you to everyone who has participated it really is a brilliant response.”
The FMT Food Industry Awards results will be revealed at the annual Awards ceremony in 2021. More details about how to book and participate will be publicised soon. Sharon Yandell has the last word: “We were delighted to welcome Michel Roux Jr. to host our ceremony earlier this year and as we anticipated he was hugely popular. We are yet to announce our host for the 2021 event so the message is – watch this space!”